CLOSED: (Mon) 12/23/24 thru (Mon) 01/06/25 for Christmas/New Years.

Regular hours resume (Wed) 01/08/25. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays all!

Do you just wash everything in hot water, like so many other services?

No! Hot water is actually not good for clothing if used repeatedly because it causes fabric and thread to weaken and deteriorate over time, and also fades color faster than if washed thoroughly in cold water. So, we use very high quality soaps and softeners specifically formulated for cold or warm water, and use hot water on a discretionary basis when it is warranted for particular conditions like heavy soiling or staining, for example. If you want your laundry washed only in hot water we can certainly do that, but it is our expert opinion that it’s neither necessary nor advisable if you want your clothes to stay looking and feeling good longer, and fitting well.

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